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6 Ways to Celebrate You on Your Birthday

Birthdays used to be all about friends and family, dinner reservations and a night out. This year feels different. Anytime Greg asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday, I kept saying, “I don’t really want to do anything.” Sure, going out to dinner is nice. I also indulged in some ice cream yesterday. But having actual plans seemed unnecessary this year. The only gifts I really want are the ones that fill my cup and feed my soul. Life is truly a gift, and how we live it is our choice. These may not be the most conventional ways to celebrate a birthday, but this year, I chose to celebrate me.

1. Celebrate You!

Have your own awards ceremony to celebrate all of your accolades from the past year. Think of all of the small steps you took that helped shape the person you are now. I think the biggest changes I’ve made to improve myself are actually the really small habits I’ve started to build. Whether that’s making time for myself or doing little things throughout my day to truly stay present. Celebrate the strength you have gathered this year, overcoming difficulties that you encountered. Be proud of yourself. Again, even our smallest wins should be celebrated. Write them all down to commemorate your achievements.

2. Ditch the Guest List

Schedule a solo date. Being alone helps you get to know yourself again. That may be as simple as going for a walk or a drive alone. Take yourself out to dinner or go to the movies. Try a class to learn something new. Feeling more adventurous? Go on a solo trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. And when you’re alone, put the phone away. Disconnect from the busy world. Read a book or journal.

3. Indulge in Yourself

Every year we get older, our body reminds us of our age. If we want our body to carry us for many more years, it’s important that we take care of it. I challenge you to indulge in yourself instead of your vices. Eat healthy and drink enough water. Evaluate your routine to make time for exercise, mindfulness and sleep. By all means, eat some birthday cake! Just remember to balance it out later. Focus on how you can create a healthier lifestyle in your next year of life.

4. Buy Yourself a Gift that Fulfills You

What feeds your soul and brings you back to life? What activities tap into your creative brain? When are you at your happiest? These questions will help you answer what it is that fills your cup. While buying yourself a new outfit may be gratifying, it is short-lived. Buy yourself something that will bring you long-term gratification. Maybe it’s new art supplies to get your creative juices flowing. Or a gym membership to get back to exercise. Perhaps you’ve always dreamed about owning your own business. Buy yourself the tools to get you started on it.

5. Make a Wishlist

Not an Amazon wish list. A true list of your wishes. Write down all of the small things, but also the big things too. They may be tangible, like concert tickets or intangible like a new career. Print out pictures and post them somewhere, so that you see them everyday. Even if they seem impossible now, there is power in putting it out in the universe. Manifest your dreams.

6. Write a Letter to Yourself

Obviously I love writing. My favorite gift to give is a letter to someone, but I’ve never thought to write to myself. Get comfy before you do this one. Maybe have that solo date before you write your letter to get to know yourself a little better.

Not sure what to write about? As we get older, we tend to focus on the negatives that another year brings…wrinkles, grey hair, pain and discomfort. With all the demands of adulthood, our child-like spirit starts to feel like a very distant memory. I challenge you to shift your perspective and ask yourself what you’re looking forward to in this next season of life. Maybe write to your inner child. Reflect on the knowledge and the skills you’ve gained over the last year and how you’ve changed. Set an intention for yourself. Choose a word or two that you want to focus on and come back to when things feel challenging. Fold your letter and put it in an envelope to open on your next birthday. You’ll be glad you did.

However you choose to spend your special day, just make sure to include time for YOU. You’ve been given life for a reason. Never take that gift for granted.


2 thoughts on “6 Ways to Celebrate You on Your Birthday

  1. My friend and I write every Monday over FaceTime. We recently wrote a letter to our 5 year old selves. Last week we wrote a letter to our early 20’s selves. It’s very interesting what comes up!

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