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8 Tips for Flying with a Busy Toddler

So you’re getting ready to fly with your very busy young toddler and wondering how in the world you’re going to keep them still on your lap for the whole flight? Young toddlers are on the move and still exploring their new environments. If your toddler is anything like mine, they move from one activity to the next very quickly and never stay seated for long.

Traveling can always feel a little stressful- add a toddler into the mix and you may be thinking, “why didn’t we just stay home?” I promise it’s not as bad as your mind makes it out to be. Follow these 8 tips and you will be well-prepared for traveling with even the most active toddler.

1. Pack A LOT of snacks

Snacks were the clear winner for keeping our toddler busy on our lap. I purchased this great snack container before our travel day. I love that my toddler could see her choices to pick out what she wanted. We also had backups in the diaper bag. Our flight was only 2 hours and we went through all but 1 snack. Don’t forget snacks for you or your spouse! The only thing worse than a hangry toddler is 2 hangry parents.

airplane snacks

2. Bring toys that will keep your toddler engaged

Helpful Tip– Hide their favorite toys that you plan to bring on the plane weeks before your travel day. That way when they see them in the bag, they’ll be even more excited to play with them. Also buy a few new toys reserved just for the plane. Kids love novelty!

Here’s my list of favorite plane toys for 14-20 months:

  • Picture books. I LOVE the “I Spy Little” books. They are awesome for young toddlers. Books with flaps and sensory books keep toddlers engaged and in control. Check out our favorite flap book series. Not only does it include flaps and touch-and-feel pages, but the pictures are fun for toddlers to figure out. 
  • Busy Boards. We purchased this one from Amazon. There are so many busy board options and even busy board bags. My toddler loved ripping off the velcro pieces and playing with the zippers. This toy kept her engaged for longer periods of time. It also kept her busy when we went out to eat at restaurants.
  • Fidget toys. If you have a window seat, these fidget spinners are great for toddlers. Pop fidget toys also keep toddlers’ fingers busy.
  • Drawing. Our toddler is suddenly really interested in drawing. I packed an Imagine Ink coloring book. These are great for toddlers because they are mess free! These travel-size drawing boards are also great for on-the-go. United gave us a coloring pack. How cute?! It included crayons, a small travel coloring book, and wipes. Ask your flight attendant if they have anything like this.

3. Download favorite shows before your travel day

Have a favorite show downloaded on your phone or a tablet just in case. Screen time was most helpful when we had gone through ALL of the toys and snacks. Our daughter had reached a point where she didn’t understand why she should get out of our lap and she began kicking and swatting her long limbs. Our first flight was so turbulent that the seatbelt signs were on the entire flight, so walking up and down the aisle was a no. Screen time is a nice little break for everyone.

4. Let your toddler explore the airport on foot

A stroller definitely comes in handy when traveling. It also gets you in front of the security line at most airports so definitely pack one! We love this lightweight umbrella stroller for flying. Toddlers have big energy and if they are confined to a car seat, then a stroller, and then your lap for hours, their little bodies might just lose it. We got to the airport early with plenty of time to not feel rushed and let our daughter walk around. She loved looking out the tall windows and pointing to the big airplanes.

toddler airport

5. Pack an extra bag for clean up

Like I said, my toddler moves from one activity to the next very quickly. I felt like Mary Poppins trying to entertain her with all the toys I had packed while trying to balance her on my lap. By the end of the flight there were velcro pieces on the floor and I couldn’t zip up the diaper bag. We also lost a snack cup. If we traveled again, I would bring an extra bag that I could fold up and store in the diaper bag. As soon as she is finished with a toy, I would place it in that extra bag. This way nothing gets lost and it’s all in one place. Plus you can separate toys that may have been dropped on the floor and need to be cleaned.

6. Double up the diaper before you fly

Plane bathrooms are not designed for toddlers, so avoid a diaper change during the flight if you can. Just before we boarded I changed her diaper and put in one of these Sposie pads. We use these at night time so she doesn’t wet her pajamas, and they came in handy on our flight. I didn’t have to worry about diaper changes or outfit changes!

7. Bring wipes for the plane and your toddler’s tiny hands

It’s inevitable that your toddler will touch EVERYTHING. Pack sanitizing wipes for the seats, trays, buckles, windows, arm rests, EVERYTHING. Besides wiping down all surfaces, I feel like I was also constantly wiping my toddler’s hands. The Boogie Brand sells these great antibacterial wipes for on the go.

8. Pack goodie bags for your airplane neighbors

The first time I flew solo with my daughter, the man sitting next to me immediately went onto his United app to look up the seating chart. I get it- toddlers are loud! A helpful tip my cousin shared with me is to pack goodie bags for your airplane neighbors. It’s an easy gesture that says, “thank you for understanding.” We also included bags for the flight attendants who went out of their way to check on us throughout the flight. Some candy or snacks are a perfect way to win over even he grumpiest passengers.

I promise that following these 8 tips will prepare you well for traveling with your busy toddler. Don’t forget to manage your expectations and be kind to yourself. You’ve got this mama!


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